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Talempong Pacik (1982)

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posted on 2017-07-10, 05:09 authored by Kartomi, Margaret J., Kartomi, Hidris
Audio 3.4: Audio Example 4 in Chapter 3 of book: Margaret Kartomi, ‘Musical Journeys in Sumatra’, Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. An important musical component of the Minangkabau cultural tradition is the drum (“gandang”) and brass gong-chime (“talempong”) ensemble. The gong-chimes may be played by seated musicians, in which case the ensemble is called “Talempong Duduak” (seated “talempong”), or by standing musicians moving in procession and holding the instruments by hand, in which case it is called “Talempong Pacik” (hand-held “talempong”). In this excerpt, recorded in October 1982, three musicians, led by Bp Dalimunthe, held and beat two gong-chimes each, in interlocking patterns. The “Talempong Pacik” ensemble usually accompanies outdoor ceremonial processions and dancing linked to planting and the harvest. Duration: 1 min. 44 sec. Copyright 1982. Margaret J. Kartomi.



Margaret J. Kartomi

Geographic location

Indonesia – West Sumatra – Pariaman – Nagari Bulan Air

Collection date


Collection Type

Sound Recording